Upload your documents Document delivery made easy The simplest and safest way to get your documents to TelstraSuper is to use our online upload tool. If you have your items ready to go, you can start now. Current TelstraSuper members should upload documents via SuperOnline using the Secure Document Upload tool. Please note: Documents relating to a complaint cannot be uploaded using this tool. Please email all complaint related documents to [email protected] Are you aMemberNon-MemberEmployer Are you registered for SuperOnline?YesNo Please login to SuperOnline and use the Secure Document Upload tool Go to SuperOnline I would prefer to use the public form What are you uploading?Tooltip Start typing key words from the document into the search bar. Be sure to select the document type that relates specifically to the items you will be uploading. You can then begin your upload. DocumentType Click to securely upload or drag and drop a file. Please ensure all files are JPEG, JPG, PNG, PDF, HEIC or HEIF formats and are each under 5Mb.You can only upload a maximum of 5 files at once. Case reference number (optional)TooltipPrefix-Middle-End Relationship to member or fund?*Required fieldPlease select a valueSpouseSolicitorFinancial AdvisorFamily MemberOther Other: Does this relate to one member or many?One memberMany members Member number of the person to whom the document(s) relate (optional)Tooltip Member numberTooltip Member Number*Required field How many members are you uploading for?Tooltip Your given name(s) Given name(s) Given name(s)*Required field Your surname Surname Surname*Required field Employer contact given name(s) Employer contact surname Business ABN Business address Your PO box is not acceptable, it must be your residential address CountryPlease select a valueAustralia Address line 1*Required field Address line 2 Suburb*Required field State*Required fieldStateVICNSWQLDNTACTWASATAS Postcode*Required field Switch back to address search Email address Your email address Employer email address Email Employer contact number (optional) Your contact number ContactNumber By submitting this upload I acknowledge that I have read TelstraSuper's Privacy Policy and Privacy Collection Statement and consent to how TelstraSuper will use any personal information contained in an uploaded document. Submit