Continue your employer contributions to your TelstraSuper account in under a minute

To email a Super Choice form to your new employer, simply click the “Email your employer” button below and:


Enter your employer's email address



Enter your name, date of birth and member number

in the 'my details' section of the email.


Click Send


email your employer

Please launch button from Explorer or Safari.

Alternatively, download a print Super Choice form and provide that to your employer

We’re here to help

If you have any questions, or would like some assistance with arranging employer contributions, please call us on 1300 033 166.

Important information for the employee
  • Your employer is only required to accept one choice of fund from you in a 12 month period, however they may accept more
  • Your employer has two months after you provide this form to them to action it
  • Any money you have in existing funds will remain there unless you arrange to transfer it to another fund – check the impact of exit fees you will incur or benefits you may lose before leaving your fund (your employer cannot do this for you)
  • If you quote your TFN to your employer for super purposes, they must provide it to the super fund