Governance & Disclosure
In accordance with our legal obligations and commitment to good governance, TelstraSuper discloses a range of information relating to the Telstra Superannuation Scheme (TelstraSuper) and the trustee (Telstra Super Pty Ltd) on our website.
If you have any queries or require any further information, please call us on 1300 033 166 between 8:30am and 6:00pm (Melbourne time), Monday to Friday or submit a query online.
The Board
The Board of Telstra Super Pty Ltd (Board) is ultimately responsible for the sound and prudent management of TelstraSuper’s business operations. The Board undertakes to perform its duties and exercise its powers in the best interests of members and beneficiaries and to act honestly, fairly, diligently and impartially in accordance with the Constitution, Trust Deed, relevant law and the Trustee’s policies.
The Board is assisted in its role by the following Board Committees:
- Investment Committee
- Audit Committee
- Risk Committee
- Governance & Remuneration Committee; and
- Member Experience Committee.
The Board and each Board Committee has a charter that sets out its duties and responsibilities.
The Board consists of four Employer Representative Directors, four Member Representative Directors and one Independent Director who acts as Chair.
All Employer Representative Directors are nominated by the principal employer, Telstra Group Limited. All Member Representative Directors are nominated by the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU). The Independent Director is appointed by the Board.
The rules relating to the nomination, appointment and removal of directors are set out in the Constitution.
The Directors of Telstra Super Pty Ltd during the 2023/2024 financial year were,
Anne-Marie O’Loghlin (Chair) |
Beba Brunt (commenced 31/12/2023) |
Bronwyn Clere (resigned 31/12/23) |
Gretchen Cooke |
Dahlia Khatab |
Nadine Flood (resigned 29/1/24) |
Steven Fousekas |
James Perkins |
Graeme Smith |
Beth Vincent-Pietsch (commenced 29/1/2024) |
Record of Attendance at Board Meetings for each Director for the last seven years
Board Renewal
The Governance & Remuneration Committee has responsibility for the oversight of Board renewal. The Committee’s responsibilities include:
- Reviewing the composition of the Board, including succession plans, to enable an appropriate mix of skills, experience and diversity to be maintained.
- Reviewing and recommending to the Board the skills, experience and diversity required by the Board generally and in relation to any proposed Director appointment.
- Reviewing and recommending to the Board the appointment of Director nominees.
- Overseeing the Chair succession process (where required) and making an appointment recommendation to the Board.
- Overseeing the succession process for Independent Committee members and making appointment recommendations to the Board.
The members of the Governance & Remuneration Committee for the entire 2023/2024 financial year were Anne-Marie O’Loghlin, Grechen Cooke and Graeme Smith, while Nadine Flood, Joseph Mitchell, James Perkins and Beth Vincent-Pietsch served as members for part of the financial year.
The Committee held a total of eight meetings during the 2023/2024 financial year. Information about meeting attendance can be found in Telstra Superannuation Scheme Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2024.
The current composition of the Governance & Remuneration Committee is Anne-Marie O’Loghlin, Gretchen Cooke, Graeme Smith, James Perkins and Beth Vincent-Pietsch.
Board Performance Evaluation
The Board has a Board Performance Assessment Policy in place with procedures for evaluating the performance of the Board, each of its Committees and individual directors.
The Chair facilitates an annual review of the performance of the Board, its Committees and individual directors. The Board engages an independent external party to undertake this review every three years. The Board assesses its performance against a series of measures, including its own objectives.
In 2023, Directors completed a comprehensive review which was externally facilitated. The collective outcomes, including peer benchmarks, were considered at the Board’s December 2023 meeting. Director outcomes were subsequently discussed with individual directors. Focus areas arising from a review will be the subject of Board attention during the current year and assessed during the performance review the end of the year.
Board Skills Matrix
Executive Team
The Executive Team is responsible for the day-to-day leadership of TelstraSuper. Each Executive Team member is also responsible for specific areas of TelstraSuper’s business operations.
The performance of each Executive Team member was assessed in accordance with the performance assessment process following the end of the 2022/23 financial year. Performance evaluation consists of assessment against key performance indicators, including those relating to member outcomes. The Chief Executive Officer undertakes the performance reviews of the Executive Team.
Executive Management Team profiles
Register of Relevant Interests
Executive Officers - Qualifications and Relevant Experience as Trustee or Board member
Governing Documents
The constitution is the document that specifies the rules governing the operation of Telstra Super Pty Ltd, including rules governing the appointment, powers and removal of directors, the roles, powers and responsibilities of the Board, the procedures for conducting Board and Board Committee meetings.
Download the TelstraSuper Constitution
Trust Deed
The Trust Deed contains the rules governing the operation of TelstraSuper.
Download the current Trust Deed
Defined Benefit funds Actuarial Report
The most recent actuarial report for TelstraSuper Defined Benefit Fund.
Download the actuarial report for Defined Benefit Funds
Disclosure Documents
TelstraSuper Retirement Income Strategy
Product Disclosure Statements for each superannuation product issued by TelstraSuper
TelstraSuper Financial Services Guide
Member Outcomes Assessment Summary 30 June 2023
Financial Statements
Most recent Annual Financial Statements
Tax Transparency Report
TelstraSuper Tax Transparency Report 2023
TelstraSuper Tax Transparency Report 2022
TelstraSuper Tax Transparency Report 2021
TelstraSuper Tax Transparency Report 2020
TelstraSuper Tax Transparency Report 2019
Conflict Management Policy
Summary of TelstraSuper's Conflict Management Policy
Code of Conduct
Summary of the TelstraSuper employee and Board Codes of Conduct
Proxy voting
TelstraSuper’s Proxy Voting Policy
Outsourced Service Providers
Insurance Policies
Our insurance policy documents and strategy
Related Party Transactions
Telstra Super Financial Planning Pty Ltd is a wholly owned investment of Telstra Super Pty Ltd in its capacity as trustee of TelstraSuper. Telstra Super Pty Ltd has an agreement in place with Telstra Super Financial Planning Pty Ltd for the provision of financial planning and related services to TelstraSuper members. The agreement is conducted on an arm’s length basis.
Telstra Group Limited holds all of the share capital in Telstra Super Pty Ltd. Foxtel Management Pty Limited is partly owned by Telstra Group Limited.
Telstra Super Pty Ltd has agreements in place with Telstra Group Limited for the provision of telecommunications, network, AV hardware support and cyber security services. All procurement arrangements and agreements with Telstra Group Limited are conducted on an arm’s length basis. Telstra Super Pty Ltd has an arm’s length agreement in place with Foxtel Management Pty Limited for the provision of cable television services.