TelstraSuper MySuper
MySuper is a default superannuation product. MySuper aims to improve the retirement outcomes of members who haven’t made an investment choice for their super, and to make super simpler and more transparent. TelstraSuper's MySuper Lifecycle is an offered investment option within TelstraSuper Corporate Plus and TelstraSuper Personal Plus.
How TelstraSuper's MySuper Lifecycle works
TelstraSuper's MySuper Lifecycle aims to help members maximise their retirement outcome by ensuring their super is automatically invested with a level of risk and return appropriate to their age. This means a higher growth/higher risk investment option for younger members who have time to wear short-term fluctuations in investment markets in order to gain long-term growth. Conversely, a more conservative option is chosen for older members, with the aim of protecting their investment capital leading up to retirement. This is known as a ‘lifecycle investment strategy’.
TelstraSuper's MySuper Lifecycle consists of four age-based investment stages as shown in the table below. The account balance and contributions of TelstraSuper MySuper members will be invested in the relevant age-based investment stage, then, as the member ages, their balance will automatically be moved to the relevant investment stage in the arrangement. No buy/sell spread is charged on automatic MySuper transfers.
Member age | MySuper investment stage |
Under 50 | MySuper Growth |
50 to under 65 | MySuper Balanced |
65 to under 70 | MySuper Moderate |
70 and over | MySuper Conservative |