Product Disclosure Statements and Guides
TelstraSuper's product disclosure statement (PDS) outlines the main features, costs, benefits and investment risks of TelstraSuper.
Each division of TelstraSuper has its own PDS (or Super Guide for defined benefit divisions) and these are listed below for easy download.
Accumulation divisions
Information for accumulation members is contained in the following booklets, all of which combine to form the PDS and should be read together.
- Product Disclosure Statement (shorter version) - an eight page document that provides you with key information about your TelstraSuper account and membership
- Investment Guide – details TelstraSuper's investment options you can choose from, their objectives and various risks, and the various ways in which we manage your investment on your behalf
- Insurance Guide – details insurance information including the various insurance options available to you, how to change your insurance, when payments are made, and what happens when you go on leave or leave your employer
- Additional information about your super – a guide to other important information you need to know about your TelstraSuper account, including the fees and other costs we charge, contributing to your super and how your super account works
- Employer schedules – details the TelstraSuper Corporate Plus super default arrangement that has been negotiated by your Employer on your behalf and forms part of the TelstraSuper Corporate Plus Product Disclosure Statement (PDS). For a copy of your Employer schedule please call us on 1300 033 166
Please note that each of the four following divisions has a different PDS and Insurance Guide, while the Investment Guide and Additional information about your super Guide are the same for all.
Direct Access
Eligible TelstraSuper accumulation and RetireAccess Retirement income stream members may invest in the Direct Access investment option, which allows investments in any company listed on the ASX300 index, selected Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) and Term Deposits. The Direct Access Product Guide outlines the main features, costs, benefits and investment risks for this option.
We recommend you read the Direct Access Product Guide and consider your investment objectives and attitude towards investment risk before determining whether Direct Access is a suitable investment option for you.
TelstraSuper RetireAccess and defined benefit divisions
A product disclosure statement (PDS) outlines the main features, costs, benefits and investment risks of TelstraSuper.
Super Guides have been produced for members of our defined benefit divisions and also provide an overview of the main features, costs and benefits of TelstraSuper.
Please note the PDS and Super Guides below need to comply with different regulations than those for accumulation divisions, and as a result, are different in structure and appearance to the PDS booklets listed above.
TelstraSuper RetireAccess Income Stream
Product Disclosure Statement (PDS)
Retirement Income Stream - Target Market Determination
TTR Income stream - Target Market Determination
TelstraSuper Division 2
TelstraSuper RetireAccess Lifetime Pension
Product Disclosure Statement (PDS)
RetireAccess Lifetime Pension - Target Market Determination
TelstraSuper Division 5
Financial Services Guides
The Financial Services Guides (FSG) outline responsibilities, advice services offered, how your personal information and complaints are handled along with compensation and remuneration arrangements for the services we offer.