Unit prices
Unit prices are updated daily, each Melbourne Business Day.*
Unit prices are net of indirect investment fees, indirect administration fee and investment taxes. Unit prices are calculated using investment returns which are net of indirect investment fees and investment taxes but before indirect administration fees. This is different to investment returns appearing in the MySuper Product Dashboard, which are displayed net of administration fees, indirect administration fees, indirect investment fees and investment taxes.
* A Melbourne business day is from Monday through Friday (inclusive) and excludes any day that falls on a national holiday or a Victorian public holiday, as published on the Victorian Government’s website. A public holiday that is a non-metropolitan Victorian public holiday only is regarded as a Melbourne Business Day.Unit prices
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You can also use the Unit prices and performance graph to see how our suite of investments have performed.
Unit prices reflect earnings on the investments of a chosen investment option. A new buy and sell price is set each Melbourne Business Day for each investment option, reflecting the changing value of the underlying assets in the investment option(s) and transactional and operational costs. When making an investment switch, your money will be switched into your new investment option on the next Effective Day (the date your money will be switched into your new investment option. The unit price applicable for your new investment option will be applied the next Melbourne Business Day). Please read our Effective Day examples before making a switch.
Changes in unit prices may arise from various factors including external factors such as market performance and internal factors such as adjustments to unit pricing calculations.
The following changes were made to the investment options offered to Personal/Corporate Plus & TTR income stream members
- MySuper Moderate was introduced as a MySuper lifestage on 1 October 2023 (not applicable to TTR income stream)
- The High Growth option was introduced on 2 October 2023
- The ‘Defensive Growth’ option was renamed the ‘Moderate’ option on 1 July 2023
- The ‘Fixed Interest’ option was renamed the ‘Diversified Bonds and Credit’ option on 1 July 2023.
The following changes were made to the investment options offered to Retirement income stream members
- The High Growth option was introduced on 2 October 2023
- The ‘Defensive Growth’ option was closed and merged into the Lifestyle Moderate option on 1 July 2023
- The Fixed Interest option was renamed the ‘Diversified Bonds and Credit’ option on 1 July 2023.
On 8 November 2021, options listed below were renamed :
- The ‘Conservative’ option was renamed the ‘Lifestyle Conservative’ option
- The ‘Diversified Income’ option was renamed the ‘Lifestyle Moderate’ option
- The ‘Growth’ option was renamed the ‘Lifestyle Growth’ option
- The ‘Balanced’ option was renamed the ‘Lifestyle Balanced’ option.
Need more information on unit prices?
To find out how unit prices are determined and how they are applied to your account, visit how unit prices work.