Our commitment to ESG and stewardship
TelstraSuper is a signatory to the Australian Asset Owner Stewardship Code ('the Code’), developed by the Australian Council of Superannuation Investors (ACSI) in 2018. The primary purpose of the Code is to enhance transparency and accountability specifically regarding stewardship activities in Australia.
The TelstraSuper Stewardship Statement provides an overview of how we adopt each of the seven Principles of the Code in its stewardship activities as a signatory. Signing onto the Code means we are committing to greater transparency and accountability regarding the work we do.
TelstraSuper’s fundamental objective is to responsibly enhance the financial security of our members in retirement. We believe that incorporating material environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations into investment decision-making and engaging as long-term owners is important.
For TelstraSuper, stewardship means: (1) systematically and pragmatically integrating material ESG considerations into the investment decision-making process and (2) exercising ownership rights across TelstraSuper’s investments through voting, engagement and advocacy.
- Principle 1 - Asset owners should publicly disclose how they approach their stewardship responsibilities.
- Principle 2 – Asset owners should publicly disclose their policy for voting at company meetings and voting activity.
- Principle 3 – Asset owners should engage with companies (either directly, indirectly or both).
- Principle 4 – Asset owners should monitor asset managers’ stewardship activities.
- Principle 5 – Asset owners should encourage better alignment of the operation of the financial system and regulatory policy with the financial interests of long-term investors.
- Principle 6 – Asset owners should report to beneficiaries about their stewardship activities.
- Principle 7 – Asset owners should outline how they utilise collaboration in their stewardship activities.