Changing Jobs and Your Super

Learn how to take TelstraSuper to your new employer and avoid multiple super accounts.

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    Starting a new job is a big life change. Yet one thing that doesn’t have to change is your super fund. You can choose to stay with TelstraSuper regardless of where you work.

    Many people are in super funds they didn’t choose because they didn’t know they could. It’s likely the more jobs you’ve had, the more funds you’ll have accumulated, meaning extra accounts to manage, and additional fees to pay.

    But sticking with one fund throughout your life may see you thousands of dollars better off when you finish working. And it’s easier to do than you think.

    You can do it online in a couple of minutes.

    1. Simply go to
    2.  Fill in the online form (you’ll need your member number)
    3. Submit it – and it will then be emailed to your employer

    Your employer can then pay your super contributions into your TelstraSuper account.

    It’s just another way we’re helping you stay on the ball when it comes to your super.

    1300 033 166.

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