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  1. Stay connected to your super


    Providing us with your personal email address – not one from your workplace – makes it easy to stay in touch with your super...

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  2. TelstraSuper merger updates


    July merger update Issued 24 July, 2024 As communicated in May this year, the TelstraSuper Board has determined that it is in our member’s long term best interests to seek a suitable merger partner...

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  3. Market update March 2024


    Global equity markets experienced strong returns for the month of March, with Australia and the United States (US) reaching all-time highs for the third and fourth consecutive months, respectively...

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  4. More super, lower fees


    We’re pleased to announce that from 1 April 2024 your percentage-based administration fee will be reduced from 0.17% to 0.16% p.a of your account balance...

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  5. 'Girl math' hurting financial literacy


    Young women are being urged to take greater control of their financial future and to ignore a viral TikTok trend, known as ‘girl math’, which seeks to justify impulse spending and stretch budgets even...

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  6. Market update February 2024


    Equity markets have risen to all-time highs in a number of advanced economies, including Australia and the United States (US)...

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  7. Want your super to last the distance?


    Whether it’s investment markets that have you worried, or you’re simply concerned about what sort of income you’ll have – there’s a range of retirement income strategies that can help...

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  8. Money tips for grandkids


    One of the biggest regrets people have is not saving more. Have the grandparents’ version of ‘the talk’ with your grandchildren and encourage them to build a strong financial future...

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  9. Super for the suddenly single


    Separation or divorce can be an extremely difficult time in anyone’s life. Put the emotional implications to one side, and there are the financial ones...

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  10. How to be happy being unbusy


    Having all the time in the world may seem overwhelming at first. Keeping active is important for your mental and physical health, but having more time to yourself could be another important aspect of...

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  11. Payday super: what you need to know


    Payday super is the requirement to pay your employees’ Super Guarantee (SG) entitlements on the same day you pay their salary and wages, rather than quarterly...

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  12. What can you tell your employees about super?


    It’s a common question asked by employees: “what should I do about my super?” If you are an employer or manager and feel confident of your knowledge of superannuation and investment, it can be...

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  13. Market update January 2024


    Global equity markets produced strong returns in January. The value of the Australian Dollar fell against most major foreign currencies, decreasing overseas investment returns when measured in...

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  14. 7 tips for travelling without the worry


    In retirement, the best travel commodity you have is time. Tours can be great, but when you have the time and prefer to meander at your own pace, then independent travel could be ideal...

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  15. Is it time to live the FIRE life?


    Want to retire young? You're not alone. There's a growing movement aiming to achieve Financial Independence and Retire Early - known as "FIRE"...

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  16. Explore your financial future


    Your financial future isn’t just determined by the size of your super balance. Your investment choices, risk appetite and lifestyle decisions can all play a part...

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  17. Market Update December 2023


    Global equity markets produced strong returns in December. The value of the Australian Dollar rose against all major foreign currencies, decreasing overseas investment returns when measured in...

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  18. Market Update November 2023


    Global equity markets produced strong returns in November, as market participants forecast Central Banks easing interest rates earlier than previously thought...

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  19. Want a worry-free retirement?


    We’re excited to launch our RetireAccess Lifetime Pension, an annuity-style product offering you a guaranteed, tax-free income for life...

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  20. What type of investor are you?


    Figuring out what type of investor you are can be tricky, but never fear. Introducing our first digital advice tool, the Investment Choice Selector!...

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  21. Market Update October 2023


    Global equity markets broadly declined in value in October, as Central Bank rhetoric turned more hawkish and geopolitical uncertainty increased...

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  22. The hidden cost of retirement


    Regardless of how much you have put aside, there’s a significant potential cost in retirement that is often not considered, and if ignored, it can undermine our plans...

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  23. Market Update August 2023


    Global equity markets retreated in August, giving back some of the recent strong returns of prior months...

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  24. Bridging the super gap in 2023


    Despite more than 30 years of compulsory super, on average women still retire with only around half the super balance of men...

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  25. Retirees' 3 Biggest Fears


    For many, retirement isn’t all about walks on the beach. In fact, it’s a source of stress for many. Here are retirees three biggest fears...

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  26. Bridging the super gap in 2023


    Despite more than 30 years of compulsory super, on average women still retire with only around half the super balance of men...

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  27. Market Update May 2023


    Equity markets’ returns were broadly flat in May as strong performing regions and sectors were largely offset by poorer performing ones...

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  28. Retiring abroad


    Retiring abroad - how Australians are lured by an exotic retirement...

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  29. 5 tips to test drive retirement


    Not sure if you’re ready to retire? Some people can’t wait to leave their working life behind, but for others the thought can be daunting...

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  30. Market Update April 2023


    Equity markets’ returns were broadly positive in April as levels of employment have so far proved resilient to Central Bank interest rate hikes...

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  31. Like a pay rise? Now's the time to ask


    Many of us think about asking for a pay rise at some point in our career, but don’t always follow through. How – and importantly – when we ask could be a factor in whether or not we get what we’re...

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  32. Market Update March 2023


    Equity markets’ returns were broadly positive in March as the Federal Reserve rushed to provide support to US bank depositors as bank stress became apparent...

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  33. 5 questions to ask your new boss


    You’ve just landed your dream job! This can be daunting with a new work environment, new names and faces to remember, and most importantly, a new boss...

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  34. Market Update February 2023


    Equity markets’ returns were mixed in February as China’s reopening was offset by additional future expected Central Bank interest rate hikes in response to resilient labour markets...

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  35. Market Update January 2023


    January was a positive month for equity markets as China’s reopening, coupled with economic resilience in other major economies, generated a positive outlook for global growth...

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  36. Market Update October 2022


    October was a positive month for equity markets, with the anticipation of Central Banks pivoting towards more dovish positions...

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  37. Market Update November 2022


    November was a positive month for equity markets, with easing inflation figures in key jurisdictions raising hopes of Central Banks pivoting away from aggressive interest rate tightening...

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  38. Market Update September 2022


    September was a difficult month for equity markets, with the combination of aggressive interest rate rises and a weakening economic outlook driving negative returns...

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  39. Got some super questions?


    Super can be confusing, we get it. So if you have a burning super question that you want answered, ask away!...

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  40. Market Update July 2022


    Global equity markets performed moderately well but inconsistently in July, resulting in varying returns, as the continued spread of the COVID-19 Delta variant forced some economies to contract...

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  41. Market Update August 2022


    Major developed equity markets produced mixed returns over the month of August, as markets weighed the impact of central bank interest rate hikes on inflation, employment, and the economy...

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  42. Market Update May 2022


    Major developed equity markets were volatile over the month of May against the backdrop of Central Banks hiking interest rates to limit inflation and the ongoing Ukraine-Russia war...

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  43. Market Update June 2022


    Major developed equity markets were volatile over the month of June against the backdrop of Central Banks hiking interest rates to limit inflation and the ongoing Ukraine-Russia war...

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  44. Market Update April 2022


    Most of the world’s equity markets generated negative returns in April against the backdrop of Central Banks hiking interest rates to limit inflation...

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  45. Market Update March 2022


    Most of the world’s equity markets generated positive returns in March against the backdrop of Central Banks acting to stem inflation and the continued Russia-Ukraine conflict...

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  46. Is early retirement possible?


    Early retirement—it might sound like a dream, but how fast you get there may be determined by you more than you think. Here are some tips that could help turn your dream into a reality...

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  47. Market Update February 2022


    Many of the world’s equity markets produced negative returns in February due to global uncertainty stemming from the Russia-Ukraine conflict and continued elevated inflation across economies...

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  48. Market Update January 2022


    Global equity markets produced deeply negative returns overall in January due to growing geopolitical risk and economic concerns...

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  49. Would you fall for a scam?


    Amazingly older, highly educated men pose the highest risk of being scammed. Here are a range of security measures to protect your money...

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  50. How much money do you throw away?


    Many of us waste money without realising it, with unnecessary expenses eating away at our bank accounts. Here's how to break this costly cycle...

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  51. Market Update January 2021


    Global equity markets ended the month broadly flat in January as vaccine distributions lagged target levels and significant market volatility occurred towards the end of the month...

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  52. Market Update December 2020


    Global equity markets experienced strong returns in December as early stages of vaccine distribution drove investor confidence...

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  53. Market Update November 2020


    Global equity markets experienced exceptionally strong returns in November as positive vaccine news and the US election outcome produced a market positive environment...

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  54. Market Update October 2020


    Global equity markets were volatile in July but overall continued to recover from March lows as market participants focused on sustained central bank support and vaccine developments...

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  55. Market Update September 2020


    Global equity markets were volatile in July but overall continued to recover from March lows as market participants focused on sustained central bank support and vaccine developments...

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  56. Market Update August 2020


    Global equity markets were volatile in July but overall continued to recover from March lows as market participants focused on sustained central bank support and vaccine developments...

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  57. Market Update July 2020


    Global equity markets were volatile in July but overall continued to recover from March lows as market participants focused on sustained central bank support and vaccine developments...

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  58. Market Update June 2020


    Global equity markets were volatile in June, but overall continued to recover from recent lows as markets focused on sustained central bank support and reopening economies...

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  59. Market Update May 2020


    Global equity markets continued to recover from recent lows in March as markets focused on economies reopening in the developed world...

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  60. 7 travel mistakes to avoid


    In retirement the best travel commodity you have is time. So relax and enjoy— but remember to avoid the 7 deadly travel sins!...

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  61. Market Update March 2020


    Global equity markets fell sharply in March when it became clear that the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) would not be contained without significant economic impact...

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  62. Market Update January 2020


    Australian equity markets posted impressive returns in January 2020, rising strongly in the first half of the month before giving back some gains in the second half...

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  63. Market Update April 2020


    Global equity markets recovered sharply in April as markets focused on stimulus efforts and optimism that COVID-19 cases were peaking in the developed world...

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  64. Market Update February 2020


    Global equity markets fell sharply in late February, major foreign stock exchanges declined over the month in local currency terms with Emerging Markets performing the best...

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  65. Market Update March 2019


    Equity markets posted solid returns in March 2019, continuing the upward trend albeit at a slower pace than February. The Australian share market rose 0.7% over the month, the weakest of major...

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  66. Market Update January 2019


    After a difficult end to 2018, markets hit the ground running in the new calendar year, rebounding strongly throughout January...

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